Grants and financing: Hellio’s expertise

Since 2008, the Hellio teams have mastered the financing of energy-saving measures. We mobilise all available mechanisms to reduce the cost of operations, up to and including full funding when conditions allow.

Originally an expert in CEE (the French Energy Savings Certificates scheme, or EEC in Europe), Hellio has gradually expanded its activity to include all public and private financing solutions. Our objective: to minimise investment costs for all our partners and customers.

photo bureau avec employés dans une forme losange

Energy Saving Certificates (ESC)

The CEE scheme  is the French equivalent to the European Union directives on energy efficiency. Introduced under the POPE law (programming law setting out the guidelines for energy policy) in 2005, Energy Savings Certificates, also referred to as White Certificates are based on the “polluter pays” principle.


to consume less and better energy in France


encouraging all players to carry outenergy-saving operations


compelling energy suppliers to financethis type of operation
  • A key lever for accelerating the energy transition
  • 200 renovation projects financed
formes Hellio avec photo femme et homme

The advantages of ESCs

  • Assistance available to everyone, regardless of income
  • Hellio can pay in advance
  • Technical criteria to ensure that the work is effective

The amount of aid depends on

  • The type of work carried out
  • The sector concerned
  • The energy savings achieved
  • A number of criteria specific to each project. (for example: the property’s climate zone)

Who can benefit and for which projects?

The transport and heating network sectors are also covered.



  • Thermal insulation
  • Individual or collective boilers
  • Efficient lighting
  • Ventilation systems, etc..


  • Thermal insulation
  • Solar water heater
  • Heat recovery
  • Regulation system...


  • Heat recovery
  • Heat pump
  • Hot waterstorage device
  • Double heat shield...


  • Double heat shield...
  • Destractor
  • Decentralised heating
  • Free cooling...

An enhanced ESC premium thanks to the Coup de pouce (Helping Hand) scheme

Several operations under the EEC scheme benefit from a“Helping Hand”, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. This is a guaranteed bonus that does not depend on the building’s climate zone or the energy savings generated.

  • Residential sector: Insulation, Heating, Thermostat and Overall renovation grants
  • Service industry: Heating Helping Hand
  • A guaranteed minimum premium
  • A dozen operations concerned

Procedure for receiving an ESC premium

Procedure a suivre 

1- You need to make energy savings

Examples: high heating bills or charges, energy-intensive equipment to be replaced, public buildings to be renovated, lighting system to be changed, etc.

2- You contact Hellio

Depending on your profile, all you have to do is register on one of our websites or fill in our contact form.

3- Hellio studies your project and estimates the ESC premium

Each project has its own characteristics that determine its eligibility for the ESC scheme and the amount of the premium.

4- After the work has been completed, Hellio finalises the ESC file

Alongside its professional building partners, Hellio can also carry out some of the work. The ESC file is then finalised and validated.

Ma Prime Rénov’ can be combined with the ESC scheme

Launched in 2020, the new MaPrimeRénov’ (My renovation allowance) grant from the l’Agence Nationale de l’Habitat (Anah, National Housing Agency) provides additional funding to ESC for a selection of individual or collective residential works. Hellio is an agent of the Anah: its teams help French people and co-ownership associations to obtain their grant.

MaPrimeRénov’ is simpler and quicker than the Crédit d’Impôt pour la Transition Énergétique (CITE, Energy Transition Tax Credit), which it replaces, and aims to encourage households, particularly those in fuel poverty, to renovate their homes at a lower cost.

  • Up to €15,000 per project
  • No in come conditions

Who can benefit and for which projects?

Since 2021, there have been two grants: MaPrimeRénov’ Individuelle (My individual renovation allowance) and MaPrimeRénov'Copro (My co-ownership renovation allowance).

rond blanc

Owner-occupiers or landlords

  • Thermal insulation
  • Boiler replacement
  • Ventilation systems
  • Overall renovation...

Co-ownership associations

  • Overall renovation
  • 35% minimum energy saving
  • Amount: 25% of the share of the work

France 2030 grants

The government has launched a massive recovery plan for 2020, designed to support the economy, create jobs and boost the ecological transition.
Hellio works with beneficiaries eligible for these grants to offer them the most comprehensive, personalised and optimised financing plans depending on the nature of their energy renovation project.

  • Several billion euros for the regional energy transition
  • New support for manufacturers, farmers and social landlords
  • A new tax credit for energy renovation in VSEs and SMEs

Other grants and subsidies

Cumulés, ces dispositifs permettent une prise en charge jusqu'à 100 %. Citons également les aides européennes comme le fonds FEDER.

Combined, these schemes can cover up to 100% of the cost. There is also European support such as the ERDF fund.

Eco-PTZ (zero-interest loan)

  • Up to €50,000 interest-free
  • For landlords or occupiers
  • For co-ownership associations

Heat Fund

  • Biomass, heating networks, solar heating, geothermal energy, recovery of waste heat, etc.
  • For manufacturers, businesses and local authorities

Local grants

  • Either from local authorities
  • Or from associations
  • Can be combined with national grants

Chèque énergie (Energy cheque)

  • Up to €277
  • Subject to income
  • Sent automatically every year